Jumat, 02 November 2012

zayn vs giorgino abraham

giorgino abraham VS zayn malik :D

pasti udah pada tau nih giorgino abraham, itu  tu yang main film di KARUNIA rcti yang jadi rio
ini ni fotonya

nah kalo yang ini zayn malik, anggota ONE DIRECTION . bagi kalian yang belom tau ini aku kasih tau, lelaki yang paling tampan di england. hihih :D *menurut aku :p

nah, gimana ada yang jangel gak ??
yupzz,, aku pikir mereka berdua mirip . mungkin mereka kaka adik kali ya... hehe
ah gak mungkin :((

ini aku kasi tau profil lengkap atau biodata zayn malik :**

Zayn Malik berasal dari Negara inggris yang lahir pada tanggal 12 januari tahun 1993 di Lane Baildon. Dia berpendidikan di Tong High school. Zayn pria yang tampan mempunyai keturunan dari Pakistan yang beragama islam. Di tahun 2010 zayn digosipkan menjalin hubungan dengan salah satu personil dari Belle Amy yaitu Geneva lane. Zayn dan lane tertangkap kamera saat dia berdua berciuman dan bergandeng tangan saat meninggalkan stadions x factor.
Setelah itu di bulan mei 2011 ia menjalin hubungan dengan Rebecca Ferguson. Dan mereka berdua untuk mengabaikan di publik bahwa perbedaan usia mereka yang terpaut 7 tahun. Yang telah dikabarkan bahwa pemain bintang the x factor Hubungan mereka di kandas pada bulan juli 2011.
Meskipun zany mengikuti audisi The x factor dalam proses , tapi tidak terlalu menonjol, Akhirnya dia lolos mengikuti audisi itu. Zayn malik tergabung dalam boyband irlandia yang nama boybandnya One Direction, Dari program yang ia dapatkan tersebut.
Zayn sosok pria yang pemalu akhirnya ia di kenal orang-orang pemalu. Saat audisi The x factor dia bersembunyi di belakang panggung dan ia juga sering tidak percaya diri dalam penampilan dia tersebut. Tidak banyak orang yang mengenali zayn karena dia seorang pemalu.
Banyak ribuan mata terpukau oleh ke gayaan yang di lakukan oleh zayn, Itu pun karena bujukan dari Simon Cowell untuk berpenampilan maksimall di atas panggung. Akhirnya zany malik di kenal banyak orang-orang

Tempat lahir : Lane Baildon, Bradford, Inggris

Nama: Zayn Jaweed Malik
Lahir: 12 Januari 1993
Hobi: menyanyi
Favourite Hewan: singa
Dari: Inggris, Bradford
agama: Muslim, Ras Campuran: Inggris & Pakistan Setengah Setengah
Saat ini: Apakah dalam called'1Direction band mereka terbentuk di XFactot-dengan empatanak lain: Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Styles Harry, dan Niall Horan 

ini foto yang paling aku suka, zayn sama mommynya, yang tentunya calon mertua aku :p kekek~~~

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

The Cat and the Mouse

The cat and the mouse
Play'd in the malt-house
THE cat bit the mouse's tail off. "Pray, puss, give me my tail." "No," says the cat, "I'll not give you your tail, till you go to the cow, and fetch me some milk."
First she leapt, and then she ran,
Till she came to the cow, and thus began:
"Pray, Cow give me milk, that I may give cat milk, that cat may give me my own tail again." "No," said the cow, "I will give you no milk, till you go to the farmer, and get me some hay."
First she leapt, and then she ran,
Till she came to the farmer, and thus began:
"Pray, Farmer, give me hay, that I may give cow hay, that cow may give me milk, that I may give cat milk, that cat may give me my own tail again." "No," says the farmer, "I'll give you no hay, till you go to the butcher and fetch me some meat."
First she leapt, and then she ran,
Till she came to the butcher, and thus began:
"Pray, Butcher, give me meat, that I may give farmer meat, that farmer may give me hay, that I may give cow hay, that cow may give me milk, that t may give cat milk, that cat may give me my own ail again." "No," says the butcher, "I'll give you to meat, till you go to the baker and fetch me some )read."
First she leapt, and then she ran,
Till she came to the baker, and thus began:
"Pray, Baker, give me bread, that I may give butcher bread, that butcher may give me meat, that I may give farmer meat, that farmer may give me hay, that I may give cow hay, that cow may give me milk, that I may give cat milk, that cat may give me my own tail again."
"Yes," says the baker, "I'll give you some bread,
But if you eat my meal, I'll cut off your head."
Then the baker gave mouse bread, and mouse gave butcher bread, and butcher gave mouse meat, and mouse gave farmer meat, and farmer gave mouse hay, and mouse gave cow hay, and cow gave mouse milk, and mouse gave cat milk, and cat gave mouse her own tail again.

The Fox and the Monkey

The Fox and the Monkey

A Monkey once danced in an assembly of the Beasts, and so pleased them all by his performance that they elected him their King. A Fox, envying him the honor, discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap, and leading the Monkey to the place where it was, said that she had found a store, but had not used it, she had kept it for him as treasure trove of his kingdom, and counseled him to lay hold of it. The Monkey approached carelessly and was caught in the trap; and on his accusing the Fox of purposely leading him into the snare, she replied, "Oh Monkey, and are you, with such a mind as yours, going to be King over the Beasts?"


Trapped Monkey